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产地  中国
最小起订量  1 kg
付款期限  电汇100%提前付款
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主要成分: 藤黄果提取物(HCA)、左旋肉碱、大豆异黄酮、VITE、葡萄糖聚合物纤维蛋白、protamex、有机酸酶、消化酶、脂肪分解酶、肽酶、纤维酶、绞股蓝等

功能: 排除毒素,美肤减肥

适合人群: 适合想要强身健体、改善体型、保持苗条身材的人士。

不适合人群: 妊娠期和哺乳期的妇女,以及患有急、慢性疾病的妇女,如果减肥可以影响疾病的进展。

Different from Believe for men, this product is formulated specially for women.与“相信男人”不同,该产品专为女性设计。 It works to eliminate harmful toxins, beautify skins and reduce weight.它可以消除有害毒素,美化皮肤,减轻体重。 Associated with women's aging, some noticeable changes take place in the skin and body shape, such as skin pachylosis, freckle, and the accumulation of fat around the waist.与女性衰老相关的是,皮肤和身体形态发生了一些明显的变化,例如皮肤p病,雀斑和腰部脂肪堆积。 In addition, postpartum obesity can hardly be avoided.另外,很难避免产后肥胖。 In order to solve those annoying problems, we firstly boost the metabolism of fat cells and cleanse our body of harmful toxins by using some powerful and active ingredients, like organic acid enzyme, lipolytic enzyme, digestive enzyme, glucose-polymer fibrin, protamex and peptidase.为了解决这些烦人的问题,我们首先使用有机酸酶,脂解酶,消化酶,葡萄糖聚合物血纤蛋白,Protamex和肽酶等强大的活性成分,促进脂肪细胞的代谢并清除体内有害的毒素。 。 Meanwhile, owing to the liquid in stomach and the environment of gastrointestinal tract, enzyme turns Garcinia Cambogia extract (HCA), L-carnitine and other ingredients into active elements to eliminate fat from cells and harmful toxins more effectively.同时,由于胃中的液体和胃肠道的环境,酶将藤黄果提取物(HCA),L-肉碱和其他成分转变为活性成分,从而更有效地消除了细胞中的脂肪和有害毒素。



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