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产品名称: 深海鱼胶原蛋白软胶囊NSF认证
Mall molecular collagen, as an effective cosmetic raw material can nourish the skin and give people a smooth feel.商城分子胶原蛋白,作为一种有效的化妆品原料,可以滋养皮肤,给人以光滑的感觉。 In this way, the meat called "bone flesh, skin flesh" can be said to be a strong backing.这样,被称为“骨肉,皮肤肉”的肉可以说是坚强的后盾。 The effect is self-evident on the other hand.另一方面,这种效果是不言而喻的。
Collagen is compatible with other raw materials in skin care cosmetics, having a good synergistic effect, and can effectively repair damaged skin.胶原蛋白与皮肤护理化妆品中的其他原料相容,具有良好的协同作用,可以有效修复受损的皮肤。 After 1 month of oral administration of pure collagen, it can generally reflect the skin's delicateness and lubricity, getting good fine lines and whitening the skin.口服纯胶原蛋白XNUMX个月后,通常可以反映出皮肤的细腻度和润滑性,获得良好的细纹并美白皮肤。
Hair and skin are the same and are composed of collagen.头发和皮肤相同,由胶原蛋白组成。 Cross-cut, you can see on the hair under the microscope: collagen is the most center of the flesh, and the outermost layer is the scale.横切,您可以在显微镜下在头发上看到:胶原蛋白是果肉的最中心,而最外层是鳞屑。 Collagen mainly controls the thickness of the hair.胶原蛋白主要控制头发的厚度。 Hair, elasticity and moisture.头发,弹性和水分。 Hair scales are a very fragile group.头发秤是非常脆弱的一组。 Friction heat will wear out, the inner layer of collagen will be irritated and broken down, lack of collagen, dry hair split ends, nails easily break, and the hair will be dull and dull.摩擦热将耗尽,胶原蛋白的内层会被刺激并分解,缺乏胶原蛋白,头发干裂,指甲容易折断,并且头发会变得暗淡无光。 Not only to make the surface good, to meet the needs, the cure is to supplement collagen, nutritional subcutaneous tissue, which can promote hair and nail health, and keep hair and nails soft and shiny.不仅要使表面良好,满足需要,还可以补充胶原蛋白,营养性皮下组织,从而促进头发和指甲的健康,并使头发和指甲柔软有光泽。
The growth of meat is closely related.肉的生长密切相关。 For adolescents in the developmental stage, collagen supplementation can promote the secretion of growth hormone and muscle growth.对于处于发育阶段的青少年,补充胶原蛋白可以促进生长激素的分泌和肌肉的生长。 For adults who want to maintain their body, it helps building strong muscles also requiring collagen as well as protein.对于想保持身体健康的成年人来说,它有助于增强肌肉,同时还需要胶原蛋白和蛋白质。



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